Making a choice is not easy. Not only for the youth, but actually for anyone. It is scientifically proven that more than four options cause resistance. Youngsters of preparatory vocational secondary education are asked to choose an education, a profession, a route that determines their future. We ask them to make a choice out of over 500 educations.

On KiesMBO.NL we offer them the tools to do this. We have created a new user experience by taking the best out of various existing web sites.

How did we do this?

It's not easy for the user to navigate through 504 educational programs. The users are quite divers, with difference in age and culture. Hence the reason why multiple approaches are required for this platform.


Youngsters are not thrown in at the deep end. Educations are segmented and categorized from broad to fine.


Clear navigation so as to maintain the attention of the user. Triggers through personalization and elements of play so as to make the visit as pleasant as possible.


The target group is so heterogeneous that there is not one single way of guiding them. Multiple approach routes intercept the individual and subsequently accompany them to the desired result.


Once the right education is found, more information regarding the salary is given on this page, the possibilities of finding a job and many more useful facts. The user can also see which educational institutes offer this education in their area.


We have full insight in how the user navigates on KiesMBO. With these statistics it is possible to make phased changes according to their clicking behavior. We measure successful visits and where needed we make adjustments!


Disregarding is a shame. According to research we measure which elements of the currently site work properly and which less. The strong elements can be re-used in the new portal.

The results

With this new platform we've achieved the following results.

  • Synergy is created because profession and education are now connected
  • Finding the right education has never been so simple
  • All regional training centers are displayed clearly, including the location
  • A platform that offers insight in how it's used.
  • A portal that is perfectly suitable for any target audience

From A to Z

With the various navigation possibilities we support the search for the right education or profession.

1. Interests

This is where you start if you don't know exactly what to choose. In three steps we might give you an idea.

2. Browse

This is where you start if you don't know exactly what to choose. In three steps we might give you an idea.

3. Search

This is where you start if you don't know exactly what to choose. In three steps we might give you an idea.

4. Compare

This is where you start if you don't know exactly what to choose. In three steps we might give you an idea.

5. MBOCity

This is where you start if you don't know exactly what to choose. In three steps we might give you an idea.